In the past, brick homes were often painted in dark colors to make them blend in with their surroundings. Nowadays, interior house painting companies have developed a wide range of colors and textures that can add character or highlight the natural beauty of brick. The most popular exterior color for brick is gray because it helps the bricks stand out without dominating the space. However, there are many other options from which you can choose to depend on your taste and style preferences! Here are some things to consider when deciding whether painting your brick home is right for you:
What is a brick house and why would you paint it?
A brick house is a traditional or modern building made of bricks, which is why they are sometimes called “brick houses” and many people think they are beautiful. Brick houses are painted because their natural color is often too dark or unappealing.

What color should you paint your brick house?
The color that most homeowners choose to paint their brick homes is cream, white, or soft grey. Painting brick doesn’t have to be expensive either you can buy paint in cans for as little as a dollar each!
How long does it take to paint a brick house?
It depends on the size of your house and the color. On average, you can expect to spend about six hours to paint a small brick house. If you’re going for a darker color, it may take more time.
The process for painting brick houses is like any other type of painting. The first step is essentially applying primer and then, after drying, two coats of the desired color. For the final coat, use a specialized brick paint that will help with adhesion and durability.
The benefits of painting your brick home
Since the brick exterior on homes is usually sturdier than many other types of materials, paint is a great option for homeowners interested in giving their home a refresh. A neutral color like cream or white will help to keep your home looking clean and respectable. The contrast between the two colors can also make the brick look newer and cleaner. Painting your brick house can give you peace of mind since it’s an inexpensive way to improve the beauty of your home while keeping pests away from wood structures.
How to prep your bricks for painting?
First, you need to clean the brick by scrubbing it well with a power washer or other cleaning agent. To help protect against chipping and scratching, apply a coating of latex-based paint to seal the bricks so that they don’t absorb too much water during the painting process.
Painting a brick house is an excellent home improvement project for many reasons. For one, it’s not only aesthetically pleasing but also allows you to change the look of your exterior, replacing no part of the structure or removing any parts of the original materials. It can be done at any time during the year and doesn’t require much preparation other than making sure that all surfaces are clean and dry before starting. Painting your brick house could help increase its value as well! If you have more questions about painting homes with bricks, contact us today and ask away!